Assuming someone's gender

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Assuming someones gender is a concept that has existed since humans discovered beer. It all depends on what someone sexually identifies as, not their real Gender.


Gender assumption has existed since Beer, so it's pretty old. In ancient times, when there were only two genders, this act wasn't illegal and offensive. People just corrected it and went on with their lives. It continued like this until Feminism, when people were so obsessed with their gender that they had to only be a girl or a boy. This worsened when 100 more genders were introduced, and it is really easy to assume someones gender. This brings us to now when using the Sexual Identification trick to literally become anything by Sexually Identifying as that, creates its own genders. Worse, assuming someones gender became illegal because to much feminists were complaining to the government that their genders were getting assumed. Now you have to ask someone what their gender is. It's the only safe way to not be arrested.


WARNING: If you are an actual nut, then do not read this. This is illegal. CAUTION: This is how to assume someones gender in the modern day. Say, you walk up to someone who is actually the color Bread but you think that they are a ham sandwich, you address them as the same way. Then he points out that you just assumed his gender and you get arrested with 30 days in Jail.