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A typical GNOME desktop
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“GNOME is the only desktop environment I'll touch”

~ Oscar Wilde

“What the fuck!? A Windows desktop clone with more functionality? I can do it better. I go to do a Mac OS desktop clone with less functionality!”

~ Richard Stallman on KDE 1.0 (about the future GNOME, of course)

“If the user can't do anything, he can be pissed; but never confused. So we decided to eliminate (also) the option of running programs (remember, programs have options). An angry user is always better than a confused user!”

~ GNOME developers on explaining to pissed users why they removed the "Run application..." option.

The GNOME desktop in full productivity use.
Havoc Pennington: The GNOME hax0r mast0r.

One of the simplest Unix desktops is the GNU's Gnot Unix Gnotworking Object Model Environment, or GUI Gno One Might Enjoy, or GNOME. GNOME enables you to use your computer while getting as little work done as possible. It was first created by duplicating Mac OS 9 with a Bizarro-ray.

The GNOME Foundation has a policy of rewriting the entire desktop from scratch every five years, thus ensuring that the software remains free of cruft and features, and at the same time giving their Bugzilla a fresh set of bugs.

Havoc Pennington, their chief anti-feature crusader, is directly responsible for the removal of Gnearly 47614 features, making him the world's most productive destruction engineer. Critics say that this hampers their ability to goof off during work, but he defensively claims that "it's for your own good" and occasionally mutters "we KNOW where you're going today."

In its quest to be as Mac-like as possible, GNOME started by using as much memory and CPU as Mac OS X, if Gnot more. gnome-terminal has a 42MB footprint, and even though it's only a terminal emulator, by the Gnext GNOME release, it will have the ability to eat huge amounts of system resources within seconds, without ever returning them. This is Gnot deemed an issue as one of the stated long-term goals of GNOME is that Gno user should use the shell to allow for its eventual removal.


GNOME's Gnew, unsurpassed file manager.

GNOME was created by the young Mexican midget, Miguel de Icaza when he was only 4 years old. The poor boy Miguel was suffering from a disease called Mono and before he died it was his wish to get into the Guinness World Book of Records by collecting the most business cards from diseased hookers.

At the time, other window managers were around, but, after an intensive period of time staring at faeces, and looking at a mexican public toilet wall, he had a dream to encourage other users to enjoy shit-coloured desktops the world over. This saved several bits of CPU usage at first, as rather than allow the user to have customised colors, the code randomly selected from 4 colorful shades of brown, light brown, brown brownson, and brownpoop dream.

As time went by, Icaza's disease became worse, making him realise the Gnew color for the 1.0 release, after a bad Gnight on the curry leaving him 130 kilograms lighter. Eventually, after much development, Jeff Waugh joined the team and, after several weeks, the idea and design were spat onto a paving slab and copied over to a Gnapkin some weeks later, which became the GNOME storage engine.


GNOME's HIG usability concept: Control panels sucks, menus are more user friendly (a.k.a. Uninstall a software before you install another one if you don't want to see something like this).
A leaked screenshot of the GNOME 3.0 alpha - it was decided to remove all text from the user interface as it might confuse the user.

Whereas KDE policy is "If you disKover some empty spaKe, add an useless feature or somethinK very very irritatinK. The iKon must be shiny, rotatinK, and Kontain at least one K.", the GNOME policy is the opposite: "If you find a feature, it might confuse a user, so remove it."

Following this policy, GNOME is the only piece of software with fewer features every release.

  • The 0.1 release was a full Gnetworked-component desktop.
  • The 1.0 release was a real big desktop for power users.
  • The 1.5 release temporarily broke the GNOME Gnaming convention by adopting the Gname "Gnome Iconz Editon."
  • The 2.0 release was for average users.
  • The 2.4 release is known as the "brain dead moron user" release.
  • The 2.12 release is known as the "W" release
  • The 2.20 release is known as the "Topaz Will Gnever Happen" release.
  • The alpha 3.0 release, Project Topaz, will be the perfect GNOME's desktop, as it will have absolutely Gno features at all. It will simply use excessive amounts of system resources, and do Gnothing but sit there. This final version will contain only a single button. When the user pushes it, it pops up a beautifully anti-aliased text box on a white screen telling the user to use a pen and a piece of paper to do their work and to shut their computer off.

GNOME 2.30 will be renamed to 3.0 because it will require 3GB of RAM and a modern graphics card with OpenGL 3.0 support; the graphical debugger requires a 128-bit processor, which has Gnot yet been invented, and a 3GB video card with optional 5-D rendering capability.

Gnome 5.0 will be like the previous release, but it will be integrated to the Linux kernel and, so it cannot be easily removed.


GNOME's logo, inspired in the left foot of Richard Stallman
Was Gno joke: The right foot of Richard Stallman (any similarity is Gno coincidence)

Gnome stands for "GNU GNetworking Object Model Environment" where GNU stands for "GNU's Gnot Unix." Therefore GNOME could be said to stand for "GNU is Gnot Unix is GNot Unix is GNot Unix Lib To Fade Gnetworking Object Model Environment," or "Gnunununununununununununu(and so on)NOME". Yes, the Gname is rather stupid, but what you would expect from a 4-year-old kid eating burritos and tacos?

There has been much controversy of the correct pronunciation of GNOME, with the two most popular variants being "Nome" and "Gay-nome", closely followed by "Holyfuckinghelltorvaldswasrightaboutthispieceofshit".

A backronym of Gnome is: "Gtk Gnetworking Object Model Environment" where Gtk stands for "Gimp Tool Kit" where Gimp stands for "GNU Image Manipulation Program" where GNU stands for "GNU's Gnot Unix." Therefore GNOME could be said to stand for "GNU is Gnot Unix is Gnot Unix is Gnot Unix Image Manipulation Program Tool Kit Gnetworking Object Model Environment," or "GnuGnuGnuimptknome."

GNOME uses the Gimp Tool Kit because "gimp" is another word for gay BDSM bitch.

GNOME's logo is a huge footprint, but it is Gnot clearly established whether it is a huge memory footprint or a huge disk footprint. It has been theorized that the logo was originally slated to have two footprints, but the developers found having 2 feet to be an unnecessary feature, so they have been actively campaigning with the "One Man - One Foot" movement.


The ultimate GNoal for the GNOME desktop is to completely make users obsolete by eventually removing support for user input devices, instead, opting for simply allowing the user to view several pixels at random. This stance was influenced by the Scientologist principles de Icaza has, believing that humans originally could only see in brown and white, but eventually developed the reflexes to see the forbidden realms of color which were given to humans in buddy thetans which were expelled from L Ron Hubbard's arse, the much upheld thinking organ of scientologist principles.

GNOME human interface guidelines[edit]

The developers of GNOME have set up the following guidelines for themselves to ensure that Gnothing exciting happens:

  • Users are stupid, keep it basic. We 1337s use the command line anyway.
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Gnot in the looks.
  • Successful preference systems, such as the windows registry should be emulated wherever possible (a.k.a. gconf), but mostly via the command line, so as to pretend its Gnot there. To make it more unlikely that anyone will use it, preferences should be encrypted in Morse Code.

Maintainer requirements[edit]

GNOME has the strictest requirements of any open source software project for people wanting to become developers:

  • A severe personality disorder is absolutely Gnecessary and must be verified by a qualified physician.
  • All interface designers must be left-handed.
  • Tourette's Syndrome is a bonus, especially for those replying to the FUCKING IDIOTS on the user's mailing list
  • Deep understanding of the soul of the GNOME localiser.
  • Expertise in minimalist art, or kitchen appliance manufacture are mandatory.

GNOME awards the Larry McVoy prize annually for exceptional embodiment of the spirit of GNOME.

Other Software[edit]
