Forum:I know im a nooblet but..

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > I know im a nooblet but..
Note: This topic has been unedited for 4525 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

Where is the big stuff, and the major lil stuff, come'on people

I don't have a big say so, cause I just created this account, but i have been looking at this site since 2 years the point, why not stop deleting articles like crazy? why not revise them, put them on hold, maybe copy the whole page save it somewhere, delete the article, then look at what was copied edit get at least 4 people to say the least, have a chance to make it better. I remember while back the Un-Wiki War article was here, to me, I loved it, of course I saw it needed some good amount of editing but it would of been a great article. If it was maybe revised, edited, all that for about a good 2 weeks or more, it would of been this sites best series of articles ever. Back to my point, lets stop shooting all these articles down, of course get rid of those flimsy articles about something like, how to get arrested, or stupid rant articles. And we,as in most of you all, should push for more, realistic articles to say the least, not random articles on how to get laid haha. More like things we see or do, but of course in the most humorous way possible, not saying be those...<.< >.> wikipedians and all, but less extreme random, so random people can look up things like, Stargate Atlantis, or Aztec civilization. Don't know if you get what im shooting for but lets see. I want to see this site dominate like Google does as much as the next person. And if this is a funny mirror of wikipedia, then why do we have like half million things missing. Thank you have a nice day --ArcticWolfy 10:09, January 2, 2012 (UTC)

Welcome Arcticwolfy. If you want to save an article from deletion, the process is to ask and it will be moved to your pages for an improvement or better. Different writers have different interests and it is hard to 'make' anyone write about something they are not interested in. There are plenty of sub standard stuff here that need work and there is a list of requested articles too. Since you have been looking at this site for the last few years then you will know that old stuff like 'Chuck Norris' or 'Oscar Wilde' references have been discouraged. Join in the discussions on VFH and VFD. As long as you don't make it personal, your views will be welcomed. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 16:46, January 2, 2012 (UTC)
Fear the horror of me, Ish-Mesopotolambo!
Your mistake was thinking that this is a site for the creation and improvement of pages. It's not. The pages are here are for a simple, terrible reason. They exist only to be fed to Ish-Mesopotolambo, the Dread God, slaking his terrible hunger for terrible comedy and his and terrible thirst for also terrible comedy (in the second case shredded and mixed with milk, to wash down the dry terrible comedy that he ate earlier). In return, he allows his most terrible comedy writing creation, Man, one more day of terror, squirming in the chilling shade of his moist and dripping shadow; a single unseen sunrise to quiver and shake with the terrible knowledge that one day Man will grow weak and forgetful and will have no terrible comedy to feed him. And that day will be the final day of Man. The night, too, but it will be darker. With a forty percent chance of rain. Pack an umbrella.
Now that you know the terrible truth, will you pick up a shovel and join us, or will you instead waste your remaining time outside the belly of Ish-Mesopotolambo, denying him, head down, ignoring the cold stare of his dead eyes gazing at you from eternity? Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 00:00, January 3, 2012 (UTC)