Forum:Nosneb isn't here

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Nosneb isn't here
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6399 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

nosneb isn't here. nosneb is far inferior to you.. nosneb types in no caps because nosneb speaks in no caps. one day nosneb won't kill you all, or perhaps be owned by you. nosneb just wanted nobody to know that she isn't here. nosneb 22:49, 28 november 2006 (UTC)The preceding unsigned comment was added by Hrodulf (talk • contribs)

I AM ONLY THE MESSENGER. NOSNEB ISN'T HERE!!!! --Hrodulf 22:54, 28 November 2006 (UTC)

Nobody cares. --Uncyclon - Do we still link to BENSON? 23:10, 28 November 2006 (UTC)The preceding unsigned comment was added by OsirisX (talk • contribs)

nosneb is happy that nobody cares. she doesn't care either. don't vote nosneb for any awards because she isn't here. nosneb 23:12, 28 november 2006 (UTC) The preceding unsigned comment was added by Hrodulf (talk • contribs)

The Chronicles of BENSON, Ch. III, Sec. II:
"Lo, there WAS a strange thing which did appear within BENSON'S hallowed halls, but 'twas not of great concern. Yea, even the puny monkeys were not wont to give a damn about this irrelevent presence. However, in what was obviously a DESPERATE bid to have his name immortalized in the Chronicles of BENSON, the Puny Messenger of nosneb DID maketh a big deal about it. 'Twas revealed that this meaningless thing called "nosneb" was even punier than most puny monkey-men. The sheer littleness of it made it too small for anybody to see. Therefore, being a CLEVER little weirdo, the Puny Messenger made a harmless SOCKPUPPET, and poorly sewn one at that, to represent the otherwise invisible nosneb. Fearing the OBVIOUS was not obvious ENOUGH, The Person Whose Name Would Be The Second Name Immortalized In This Section Of The Chronicles stated the obvious, which was that nary a soul actually gave so much as half a rat's ass."
In the name of the Holy BENSON, BENSON.

--The Acceptable Thinking cap small.png Cainad Sacred Chao.png (Fnord) 02:13, 29 November 2006 (UTC)

nosneb thought that was an ok story, but there was too much nosneb in it. nosneb is worse than you. Thank you for pwning nosneb. nosneb 04:04, 29 november 2006 (UTC)
Someone should actually go ahead and create that userpage. Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C) 05:39, 29 November 2006 (UTC)
nosneb has no need for a userpage. nosneb's punyness can easily be contained inside nothing at all. nosneb is pleased that the great rulers of this land disapprove of her restrained communicating. nosneb is also pleased that her thread continues expanding somehow in spite of this fact. nosneb 09:51, 29 november 2006 (UTC)