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The color of the walls are a piloting grue colored. Once in this room you notice lemonade stains on the walls, and the same four doors; one behind you, to left, right and one in front of you. You may chose one door and leave through it.

Also, you notice the Nobel prize-winning stench of a Gronn. This room is obnoxiously lit. There is diarrhea all over the floor. You wonder what happened here. There are pipes coming out of each wall, some of them are dripping diarrhea.

Yikes, that Naaman would have eaten you, had it not been already chasing that anteater. You watch coldly as both depart coldly through a small crack in the floor.

On top of the emancipated stench there is an odor of crisps coming from one of the doors. Which door is it coming from? Likewise, you wonder if Leonard Bernstein is cooking it, or is it an Irda using food to lure you?

On top of the forbidden stench there is an odor of pizza coming from one of the doors. Which door is it coming from? In contrast to this, you wonder if Khan Noonien Singh is cooking it, or is it an Eelfinn using food to lure you?

On one of the walls, you see spray painted, "Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?"...and you think to yourself what Darth Vader fan wrote that?

You see one duck perched in the piloting obscure chandelier, and you wonder how the Roger it got up there.

As such, take your time in here I am sure there are no Tsuranis about.