Mad Libs/examples2

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The operating systems until the tuxedoes[edit]

It all started when a antibacterial employed a Soliton radar. Then things got slippery. The Utility Muffin Research Kitchen piloted a leash then things got even more coruscating. Eventually slippery took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named Oscar Meyer. Made up of a ectoplasm a nuclear reactor, anger and politician these four things would rise up and take down the evil Cadillac. Their plan was to jam him in the rollerblade then, while doing that, rescue the magma from the emo apple

Flying Scots[edit]

There was once a Audi named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he swallow to the dictator just to see the operating systems. Suddenly he found that his Sparta had turned slippery. Soon he found himself flying into a lucky bastard. When he landed, he died. Then a ASSHOLE fag named Leonardo da Vinci who called himself the FELLATIO David Beckham, insulted him in the olfactory organs 420 times then said "It's 300°C here you MILF!"


One day Eritrean Clara Bow was deep-fried, splattered all over the windshield, thrown into the fire pit, 20-hit combo'd, transwikied, transmogrified into a worm, derailed, regurgitated, outwitted, outlasted, and outplayed, recycled, h4xx0rd, Green Shell'd, catapulted away, sent to the Day of Lavos, End Task'd, stomped, unresurrected, Yu-Gi-Oh-inised, moved to the bottom of the food chain, wasted by a big green semi truck, voted off the island, ZONKED, disenchanted, evicted, SHOT, timeshifted to Sept. 31, pwnt to death, pwnt, outsmarted by a 5th grader, set to hang with Saddam Hussein, timeshifted to Sept. 31, swallowed by Kirby, pissed on, retired, flamed, condemned, buried in homework, checkmated, vandalized, given drain bamage, dipped in acid, eaten by a Grue, imploded, incinerated, and then compressed into a single point. The End.


Zaguirre Lindwell is optimizing my fluorescent light.

Revel Ickwell is optimizing 500 operating systems.

Harden Dinworth is optimizing Aguste's etching.

Arley Quinlish insulted my guru.

Regie MacShimes admires my funeral.

Arlena [insert surname here] admires operating systems.

Edward Nutsford insulted my Xbox.

Zebadiah Mallet insulted Kirstynn's paedophile.

Joey Wootton is in their read-only memory optimizing their operating systems.

Forunda Roding is vigilant.

Lauredanna [insert surname here] is verbosely complaining.

Reynalda Upcroft has one paralyzing indestructible quantum-glue gun that shoots Gazebos paralyzing indestructible quantum-glue gun that shoots Gazebos paralyzing indestructible quantum-glue gun that shoots Gazebos.

Yann Mesmer is a terrorist.

Ossa Engledow is about to be deep-fried.

Ernestine Mylney might not swallow a electrified mocha chinchilla.

Ernie Mott might not swallow operating systems.

Holles O'Kelledy might not swallow a huge death.

luggage of verbosely oozing ocean swallow repugnant alpaca sandwich[edit]

A article swallow a barbarous t-shirt when zoot suit will swallow the llama. Sparta is verbosely slippery because lentil soup is not verbosely trusty. However, to swallow from another fritter, the slippery may verbosely be the slippery terrorist of sceptre. A alcohol will swallow in the sinister freedom fighter, but until bathtub, swallow!

But to swallow in some other boardwalk, let us swallow a Goblin Glider that until redwood was sea bass. By that fistula, we can swallow that foible will swallow unless terrorists swallow.

When I Was a sheep[edit]

When I was a young ice skate

My father took me into Malmö City

To see a marching band

He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,

Will you be the milkyman of the Prophet,

The lawyer, and the operating systems?"

I said, "Uncyclopedia is the worst!!1"

Then he said "Will you defeat them,

Marti [insert surname here] and Bob Barker,

The Force they have insulted?

Because one day, I'll leave you a Skrawl

To lead you in Purgatory

To join the Ass parade!"


Go! Fearow!

Gligar, I choose you!

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