Little Lunch

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Meet the cast
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Little Lunch is a Romantic Comedy where irresponsive adults watch small children parade around doing ridiculous things. The series is known for teaching children politics and communism.


Atticus known for being a communist spy and for his delicious lunches, Atticus has a tragic backstory that is unknown to most. When he was younger, he ate so much shit that his parents had to feed him so called 'Super Sandwiches'.

Melanie as the sensitive one in the series, Melanie is also the most boring. All her points of view are pointless and in most of the episodes, she's the victim.

Tamara the generic athletic character, Tamara is always willing to share, is pretty lazy, and prefers to admire pictures of Atticus rather than sleep in a bin (so the last one is true)

Rory is the teacher's pet. He has followed every school rule and even has the girls. He's hit on Melanie and Debra-Jo, and some Grade 6 girl who disappointingly won't matter ever again.

Debra-Jo Debra Jo, or 'The Antichrist', is a demon summoned by random plot points to exploit random things with unnecessary expostional abilities. She is adored by her fellow classmates and will soon be receiving her 96th Communist Badge.

Battie is a social butterfly who's heart lies in traditional dancing and Death Rituals. You know, Kid's Stuff!

Ms. Gonsha is an active Plot Device. She can move characters from place to place, instantly change the entire storyline or even wipe clean from existence if the plot needs be. She also makes delicious pavlova, or pavola.