Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Kitty Porn

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Kitty Porn[edit]

This will be the third and final review of this article (other reviews can be seen on the discussion page). I'd like to thank everyone who helped me with this article (you know who you are; you sick bastards). I hope whomever is brave enough to review this enjoys it (once upon a time I thought it could end up VFH material). An experienced reviewer would be preferred Cheapinitreal 06:11, 21 May 2008 (UTC)


Thanks, Java, for taking a look at this. I thought it might sit forever.--- Cheapinitreal (talk) 18:00, 27 May 2008 18:00, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
Humour: 8.5 Damn, this was a nice read, actually got me laughing out loud. This article was almost believable, if it wasn’t for the absurdity of the subject (which helped the article!). The opening was not bad at all, setting up the tone and preparing for the punch line. (The jab about the oral sex of the Frenchies was well placed)

The second section was beyond any doubt my favourite. The title (playing upon reference to the Vagina and comparing to a cat) had me laughing, well laid out, and continuing to set up a good joke. The addition of the image of the spread leg cat was good at reinforcing the point of this paragraph.

I was glad to see that the reactions to watching Kitty Porn was not a series of lists, and was clearly well thought of. Definitely an 8.5 in this department.

Concept: 9 As I pointed out already in Humour, you have clearly thought your ideas through, and filled in quite a couple of holes. While no idea is possibly able to be completely unique, I will say that you came pretty close to it.
  • For the usage of terms and description: in depth, comprehensive, and detailed
  • For the applications of Kitty Porn: Nice, believable, humourous
  • How about a history? I think that you could squeeze it in without the article being too long!
Prose and formatting: 10 See the above image… I can find ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to criticise in this article, so I have no choice but to lodge this 10 firmly into your lap. An exception, the last paragraph seems a bit off (comma usage, tone shift, first person to third, just give it a quick scrub!)
Images: 8 The first image kicked the article off rather nicely, the cover actually made it look like the article was full of cat pornography, which really helped set the tone. The second picture (was that a stuffed animal or a real one?!) got me to laugh just based upon the captions, excellent usage and delivery, especially when used with the captions.

The third picture is definitely in violation of the “No Shock Images” policy, but is hysterical for exactly that reason. The caption comparing “doggy style” to being innovated by Cats rather than Dogs was very good, nice, and hysterical. I do think, however, this image would look better on the right to draw attention to it before the rest of the article.

The fourth image was, by the standard of the other images, a bit bland. Have you, perchance, ever seen a picture of a Siamese cat, the nude ones? I think that a picture of that would look a bit better because, frankly, you already have a picture of two cats (lions) mating. Try to work in a caption that fits in with the “Side Effects” caption.

Miscellaneous: 8.8 Avg’d as per Pee Review guidelines.
Final Score: 44.3 You, sir, are one sick bastard, and it’s freaking awesome! A question for you… are you just making this Pee Review request so you can nominate this article for featured? That is certainly where this article is! Alas, from my POV, EVERY article can us a bit of improvement, so here is what I have for you.
  1. Review the final paragraph
  2. Move the Lions to the right using this code ( |right )
  3. Get a nude cat picture, it can’t be hard to find!
  4. Nominate this article for VFH… unless I get there first.
  5. See if you can shove in a history without using lists. If you can't, don't worry about it!

Thank you for the EXCELLENT read, best of luck!

Reviewer: Warm Regards, Javascap