Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/UnNews:Nothing Happens

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UnNews:Nothing Happens[edit]

UnNews:Nothing Happens
is being reviewed by
Your Source for Fine Scented Pee
And Whatever Else Comes Out Of Him
Humour: 5.8 Avg of each, uh, part?
  • Intro [6]

Belgium? Why did you choose Belgium? I thought you didn't need a location for nothing to happen in... It threw me off, I think.

  • Beginning [5] (ended on "...How am I meant to be a reporter if there is no news?" At this point he burst into tears.")

Tricky, very tricky to grade here. Obviously, this is meant to be boring. What do people do when there's nothing going on? I think you've nailed the "people are bored part" but there are still two problems: Why the fuck Belgium? How do you make this truly funny?

  • Middle [5] (ended on "...making celebrity gossip impossible.")

I guess this article should be called UnNews:Nothing Happens in Belgium because I don't know shit about Belgium, and therefore are not in tune with your apparently Belgian-centered humor. I'm gonna have to grade you partly on where this article is set, because the humor kind of revolves around it. I keep telling people "don't do location humor"! Ok, I don't, but you know what I mean.

  • End [7]

Slightly better. I guess an article about nothing has to end somehow. That crack about the reporter was pretty funny, actually.

Concept: 6 Well, I wouldn't have reviewed it if I had known that this was actually UnNews:Nothing Happens in Belgium because I would've known that I would not have gotten the jokes. I'm not sure why you chose Belgium, but it really disturbed me for some reason. For instance, what are you saying with this article? That small talk doesn't happen in California (where I am)? You should lengthen this article with what's not happening around the world instead of focusing on one place.

Extra credit on doing an unnews on nothing, though. That takes guts. It will be hard to make this funny though, because although I was really eager to read this article (the title is interesting) I realized part way in that I have no idea how I would've written this article. You know what your only option is? You're going to have to make this a parody of Seinfeld, I think. Have people talking about stupid shit they see every day. Have it be a parody of Seinfeld around the world would be even better. What you have now really is just "nothing happens".

Prose and formatting: 9 it's fine.
Images: 8 lol on the puppy. But it makes me think that you couldn't find one more pic of something cute and unrelated!
Miscellaneous: 7.2 template:pee
Final Score: 36 I think my comments got to the point. Tell me if I helped! Good job, Ape, see you again some other time!
Reviewer:   Le Cejak <-> (Dec 17 / 15:48)