Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Running of the Bulls

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Running of the Bulls[edit]

Wrote this a while ago - uncertain of the humor level. Re-read it tonight and decided it might be funny after all. Your review shall determine. Thanks.

Globaltourniquet - (was TPLN) 05:39, 13 March 2009 (UTC)

Got ya --Kit talk 06:13 13 March 22px-Flag of Sweden.png
Humour: 8 Hehehe. sniggering.. mm hehe smiling. That was a badly performed approximation of me while reading your article. Basically I found it entertaining but no top notch article either. I've been trying to get my finger on why I feel that way and the best I can give you is that it must be the concept or the lack of development. What I'm trying to say is that I really enjoyed it. It was funny and simple. Straight on with a well chosen houmourous point of view. A nice introduction which explains the underlying idea of this article (an event to rid us of morons); followed by just as good parts on San Fermin, the Runners and the Running. I especially appreciated the twist in your Opposition part where people protest for the safety of the runners instead of the bulls. The ending too was spot on. In other words the article as it is is very good. A good mix of twisted facts, one-liners, false seriousness and original ideas. Still; it somehow doesn't feel as a feature quality article.
Concept: 6 Its a great concept for which I would give you more than 6 but at the same time there is something a bit wrong with it. Its hard to explain but as I've said something with your article makes it feel less good than it is. It is quite enjoyable but there is this little feeling itching inside me saying that this is just another a bit above average article.
It might be its length, or rather its lack of length. Each part is a bit short and that maybe makes it seem as a stub. On the other hand its shortness and simplicity was one of the things I liked.
Maybe its the idea itself. Maybe I've grown to accustom to te feature article that are more developed. You can feel in those how time and effort has been put in them. I'm not syaing this one is not well done but it feels a bit simplistic as if the idea and article could somehow be improved just a bit. I've seen other of your work as well and this feels as something you wrote a bit more quickly seeing how it would turn out - and it shows in its whole. There are no small details I can pinpoint but that lack of commitment shows (if you did spend lots of time on this rewriting and rethinking I apologize but that is still the feeling I get from this article).
Prose and formatting: 8 Your prose is once again impressive. My only comment would be one sentence in the beginning - "ridding the planet of a few morons over the years of its implementation" which feels a bit awkward. Maybe writing "over the years since its implementation"? Dunno for sure but something bothered me when reading that one sentence. Other than that and as previously stated; great prose indeed. The format as well is impeccable. Funny footnotes too by the way!
Images: 8 2 good pictures. Simple and well captioned.
Miscellaneous: +2 For the 2 balls the poor guy in your first picture probably doesn't have anymore =D
Final Score: 32 A good article. Enjoyable, humourous and simple. A great addition to Uncyclopedia. In its current state though I dont think its a star article because of that feeling it gives - you worked on it sure, but you didnt work it like other star articles. Its a quite a bit above average but no more - which is good enough for most and maybe what you aimed for =) Cheers
Reviewer: --Kit talk 06:40 13 March 22px-Flag of Sweden.png

Wow, great review, thank you. It was a bit quick, but the reality is I'm an incorrigible ADHD case, and all of my articles are pretty quick. That's why I have hesitated to storm the VFH citadel with any aplomb. I think I know what's wrong with that one sentence you mentioned. I will fix it now.

Again, really great and helpful review. --Globaltourniquet - (was TPLN) 06:51, 13 March 2009 (UTC)