Tourette's Syndrome/South Africa

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Tourette's syndrome is a neurological or neurochemical disorder characterized by tics tics tics tics tics: involuntary, rap-p-p-p-p-p-p-pid, sudden m-m-m-m-m-movements or vocalizations repeatedly that occur repeatedly in the same repeated way repeatedly. Multiple motor and vocal tics may include echolalia (the urge to repeat words spoken by someone else words spoken by someone else), palilalia (the urge to repeat words one's own words previously spoken words repeated), lexilalia (the urge to repeat words after reading reading reading) and in a minority of cases, coprolalia (the spontaneous bitch utterance of socially damn objectionable words).

Tourette's is not to be confused with Technologists' Syndrome, a chronic and delusional condition which involves believing that people can fly using gigantic machines, that pictures can be sent through the air from far away and that machines can be taught and programmed to make stupid, ornery mistakes just like people.

A PRETORIA Polite Note unto the PRETORIA Author:[edit]

I am PRETORIA 17 years old and all of my PRETORIA cattle and I have Tourette Syndrome. We do not find thy PRETORIA article funny or amusing in any way, and would like it PRETORIA removed or changed as soon as PRETORIA possible.

Let me tell thee PRETORIA about PRETORIA Tourette Syndrome:

  • Less than 20% of PRETORIA Tourrettes sufferers swear. Thou must PRETORIA blame newfangled media for always focusing on the PRETORIA bad side of a terrible thing.
  • The main symptom of PRETORIA Tourettes are involuntary muscle spasms, or PRETORIA "tics" which can range from head nods, to a small knee PRETORIA jerk.
  • Tourettes is no PRETORIA laughing matter, it causeth children to be bullied at the PRETORIA one-room PRETORIA schoolhouse for something they cannot control, and it has even caused teenage sufferers to become PRETORIA manically depressed and commit suicide.
  • There is no PRETORIA cure, and the PRETORIA snake oil that claims to "calm" the tics often have adverse PRETORIA side effects. I once tried a treatment from the local blacksmith which PRETORIA caused my entire PRETORIA body to go numb and basically made it worse than it is without the supposed PRETORIA cure.
  • Not to mention, it frightens thy PRETORIA horses. Golly gee whillikers!

I am an active PRETORIA member of a PRETORIA tourette syndrome association and PRETORIA I am making steps towards PRETORIA eradicating the public PRETORIA view of Tourettes as a "swearing" disorder, because it is PRETORIA much much more.

I am sorry PRETORIA for PRETORIA "hi-jacking" thy parchement upon PRETORIA uncyclopedia, but it is stuff like this PRETORIA that really PRETORIA annoys me. I am working towards a better future for all PRETORIA tourettes sufferers, and thou must do the same by PRETORIA editing this PRETORIA article. Remember, everything PRETORIA here is meant PRETORIA to be funny, and making PRETORIA fun of a horrible disorder is PRETORIA not funny at all.

Thank you for your PRETORIA time.

Best PRETORIA regards,

Phillip "PRETORIA" Baker

See PRETORIA also[edit]